If you own a business that has its own parking lot, you may not have thought much about the need to keep the parking lot in tip-top condition. However, even though your parking lot may not seem significant in the big scheme of things, your customers will see the parking lot before they see your business, and they will form impressions.
You should take the time and effort to maintain your parking spaces. Below are five benefits your business will gain if you perform regular parking lot cleaning and maintenance.
One of the benefits of keeping parking spaces well-maintained is the promotion of your business as customer-oriented. In fact, customers view the parking lot as the place where the welcome mat is rolled out to the public.
Due to the importance placed on personal vehicles by American customers, a parking lot says a lot about your business' commitment to individuals. A clean, well-lit, smooth, and brightly marked parking lot lets your customers know that you care about providing safe accommodations for visitors. By extension, you will be viewed as a trustworthy and helpful person in all your business dealings.
A well-maintained parking lot establishes your business as competent. No one wants to work with an incompetent company or be served by someone who can’t take care of their own property.
A parking lot that isn't overgrown with weeds or full of trash demonstrates that your business can handle its affairs well. However, if potholes fill the lot and line stripes are faded beyond recognition, then your business will look as if you don't have the resources or ability to manage your own affairs as well as the affairs of others.
A reason why your parking lot should be kept maintained is to prevent possible liability concerns. A slip, trip, or fall in your business parking lot could lead to an expensive lawsuit for you to defend against or settle.
On the other hand, however, a well-maintained parking lot that can be easily navigated by drivers won’t involve you in a lawsuit. Parking lots that are dark and dirty are accidents waiting to happen, and it’s only a matter of time before someone gets hurt.
When you maintain your parking lot, you will lengthen the lifespan of the underlying material. A parking lot may look hard and untouchable, but asphalt can be quickly turned into a thick river of goop if the outdoor temperatures rise significantly.
However, a maintained parking lot can resist some of the potential damage and needs renovating much less often than neglected parking surfaces. Maintenance involves preparing the surface to keep moisture out of the asphalt grains and crevices. In addition, sealing can help immensely by focusing on problem areas and creating a dry space.